Privacy & Cookie Policy
Inner Glow wishes to protect your privacy. Your information will only be used in accordance with the privacy statement. Your privacy is important to us. We may ask for information whilst using the site such as your location, name, contact details like email address and preferences. Please contact us using the details set out on our website if you have any concerns or require further information regarding cookies, data protection storage and uses.
This information may be used as follows:
For Inner Glows in house record keeping purposes. To provide you with product and treatment information.
To offer you service by occasionally contacting you via phone, e-mail or text message.
To enhance your experience on our site.
Informed you of changes to our trading terms, offers and news.
To provide you with products and services you have requested in accordance with Terms of Trading.
Occasional contact for market research purposes.
We may share your information with our partners to fulfil orders, when purchasing products or gift vouchers
Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list and adjust your marketing settings.
A cookie is a small piece of data downloaded onto your hard drive allowing for user activity to be monitored and analysed when using the web or visiting a site. This offers an opportunity for web applications to assess & store your preferences to optimize your experience. By agreeing to this we assume you are agreeing to ‘implied consent’ meaning you are ok with our use of cookies. Rest assured this does not mean we have access to your machine or any information about you other than what you have provided.
If you are not happy for us to use Cookies please do not enter the website or choose to use the website anonymously by switching the relevant private browsing setting. Alternatively, you can place restrictions on your cookie settings This is performed by activations the setting on your browser. For more information about cookies and how to stop them being installed, delete existing or disable cookies completely please visit:
Third Party Cookies
Some of the cookies described in the section above are stored on your machine by third parties who may read cookies and collect information to serve content or advertise to you. We have no control over these cookies and how third parties use them. They are used for a third party to provide service to us for instance for anyltics purposes. For more information on this and to understand how to disable them etc please refer to the Internet Advertising Bureau:
Personal Data
We retain your personal detail for no longer than necessary and only for the purposes it is provided in accordance with data protection legislation. Including legal obligations to retain data for a certain time period. After this time it is erased from our systems.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain hyperlinks to websites owned and operated by third parties. This Privacy Policy does not apply to those other websites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit, as they will govern the use of any personal data you provide when visiting those websites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. You may wish to check it occasionally when you visit the website or provide personal information.